Monday, November 24, 2008

Sad Sack Lions

Kim and I took Maura and Niall to the Lions game. (See photo evidence here, images 171 & 172:

I thought of having Niall hold up a sign that read: Arrest my Dad for child abuse.
Maura's sign could read: He made us come to this game.

Then I was afraid what would happen if only Niall held up his sign.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tom's Column in Sunday Free Press

Tom wrote a wonderful guest column in Sunday's (Nov. 16) Free Press about the Gift of Reading program. Here, I hope, is a link.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caitlin in Cowtown


Where did you tie up your horse on your first day on the job?
There's snow on the ground and it's in the 30s. Miss Michigan yet?


How this works

Each family unit/person writes a POST about what they've been doing or what's coming up, ideally on a monthly basis. Anyone who wants to may comment on that post offering congratulations or a ribbing on the post. Pictures are encouraged, just like the one I added here by clicking the "add image" button in the post toolbar.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Letter Shine

Good idea if we can get the writers to contribute more than once a year. Right now I am doing anything to avoid writing an article for the church newsletter. I have skipped the last 3 months so I guess I will have to do one for Christmas.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Testes 1, 2....

Hi Family!

Dan and I have been talking about creating a family website to centralize trash talk, birthdays and family events. Thought this might be a good (free) solution so let's test it out before we get everyone on board. I sent you an email that allows you to be an "author"